Chorizo, Spinach, Chickpea, and Tomato Salad A symphony of flavors featuring savory chorizo and chickpeas, refreshing...
Baked spaghetti with pepperoni, cheese and green bell pepper Baked spaghetti with pepperoni, cheese and green bell pepper: Soft,...
Italian Bresaola with dried beef and parmesan cheese Italian-style Bresaola with dried beef and Parmesan cheese: A delicate...
Italian-style appetizer with Pave, mozzarella and tomatoes Italian-style appetizer with Pave, the richness of mozzarella, the sour...
Grilled smoked ham skewers with sausage and vegetables Grilled smoked ham skewers with sausage and vegetables is a...
Grilled Frankfurter Sausage and Cheese Sandwich Enjoy a delicious Grilled Sandwich with a layer of fatty...
Cajun Pasta with Chicken Chorizo and Shrimp Get ready for a delicious meal! This dish combines perfectly...