The Earth we live on. Environmental issues are becoming a major challenge. We are filled with the desire to pass this wonderful Earth on to our children, grandchildren, and future generations.
Takizawa Ham Co., Ltd. believes that it is our corporate social responsibility to protect our hometown, with its clear streams and lush greenery, and to protect the safety of everyone and us today.
Our company will work together as a team to tackle various environmental issues, including reducing CO2 emissions, and will continue to work to raise awareness of the environment and improve environmental conservation.

Environmental Initiatives Reducing environmental impact: Energy conservation
Alternative energy: Solar heat generation
With 40 solar panels (total area 80 square meters) installed on the company roof, it is possible to generate an average of 4,000 liters of hot water (40-50°C) per day from sunlight.
Environmental Initiatives Environmentally Friendly Wastewater
The wastewater treatment facility, which uses a complex lagoon system, can remove nitrogen (denitrification), which causes eutrophication, without using energy. This allows us to treat approximately 1,000 tons of wastewater per day, returning the used water to its original state and returning it to nature.
